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13th Jan 2016

Dad bans his son from playing FIFA after he spends an insane amount on in-game purchases

How many Michus is that?


We’ve all been caught out by in-app purchases from time to time.

But for Lance Perkins, things got a little too real when he found out that his son had spent an astonishing £5,255.03 while playing FIFA 16.


The Canadian father told CBC News that the news had “floored” him, and explained that his son had used his credit card without asking but “he thought it was a one-time fee for the game”.

“He’s just as sick as I am,” he said. “He never believed he was being charged for every transaction, or every time he went onto the game.”

Unsurprsingly, Perkins has banned his son from the game, and has had no choice but to ban all games from the house, saying: “There will never be another Xbox system—or any gaming system—in my home.”