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02nd Jun 2015

Die Hard With a Vengeance retold…using Google Maps


Buckle up and prepare to be taken on a wild ride through one of the greatest action movies ever made.

Fans of the franchise will differ over where each segment falls in the pecking order, but most Die Hard enthusiasts will agree that the third episode, Die Hard with a Vengeance, is either the best or second best of the entire series (the original is also amazing).

You’ll remember that it took place in New York City and features Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson trying to solve a number of riddles set by the villain (Jeremy Irons as Simon Gruber) to save a s**tload of lives at various locations across the Big Apple.


Irish stand-up comedian Gerry McBride is obviously a huge fan of the film.

He has painstakingly revisited all of the locations in the movie on Google Maps to retell the tale of what, 20 years on, is still a belter of an action flick.

Who else wants to watch the movie again?