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02nd Jan 2017

EastEnders tease alternative ending for Ronnie and Roxy Mitchell

Some viewers were left baffled by the sisters' watery end.

Mike Wright

If last night’s emotional end for Roxy and Ronnie wasn’t enough for you then EastEnders has teased another exit for the pair.

After the Mitchell sisters met their chilling watery demise the soap dropped an alternative ending for them on SnapChat.

In this ending Roxy, who recently turned to drugs again, first appears in shot on the floor lifeless.

The scene then snaps to a distraught and inconsolable Ronnie collapsing down in a hospital corridor saying ‘she’s dead’.

The short, but emotive, clip can be seen here.

Now this ending may be a bit more plausible than actual one aired last night where the sisters are last seen heading down to a hotel swimming pool worse for wear.

After declaring the last one in buys breakfast, Roxy dives into the pool only to lie motionless at the bottom prompting a panicked Ronnie to jump in after with her full wedding dress on.

The weight of the dress appears to be too much for Ronnie to save herself or her sister and the pair are left motionless at the bottom of the pool for a dramatic and silent fade out.

The ending, while powerful and beautifully shot, did leave some fans a bit baffled and unhappy.

