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05th Oct 2018

Amy Schumer and Emily Ratajkowski arrested at Kavanaugh protests

Alan Loughnane

302 people were arrested in total

Actor Amy Schumer and model Emily Ratajkowski were among the hundreds arrested during a sit-in on the floor of a US Senate building in a protest over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday.

Protestors turned up at the Senate building to challenge Kavanaugh’s nomination after three women accused him of sexual misconduct.

Police confirmed that they arrested 302 people during the demonstrations. A video captured at the scene shows the two being detained after an officer asks if they want to be arrested.

“A vote for Kavanaugh is a vote saying women don’t matter,” Schumer told the crowd gathered outside the Supreme Court. “No matter how this goes, they cannot keep us down.”

An initial Senate vote on the nomination is scheduled for Friday, and a final vote could happen over the weekend.

Main image via Instagram