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22nd Jul 2021

Eric Clapton refuses to play venues that require vaccine passport

Kieran Galpin

Clapton is taking a stand

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame member Eric Clapton has said he will not play any venues that require its guests to show proof of vaccination.

This comes with the news that the government are introducing mandatory vaccination passports for anyone wishing to enter a nightclub. This new rule will come into effect in September, leaving many to wonder why it is not an immediate decision. There is also talk of these rules extending to sporting matches and bars, coincidentally this news came after the Euros.

Clapton shared the statement via the Telegram account of Covid sceptic Robin Monotti. It contained a link to Clapton’s collaboration with Van Morrison where they sing: “Do you wanna be a free man / Or do you wanna be a slave?” Clapton says he was “immediately regaled with contempt and scorn” after the release of the song.

Back in May, after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine, Clapton claimed he experienced severe side effects that left him wondering if he would ever play the guitar again.

“Unless there is provision made for all people to attend, I reserve the right to cancel the show,” Clapton says. He confirmed that he would not play “any stage where there is a discriminated audience present.” Clapton is going to be shook when he finds out about the actual discrimination marginalised communities face.

Clapton’s next scheduled UK performances are at the Royal Albert Hall in May 2022. Attendees will be required to provide the status of their vaccination or immunity status. However, it isn’t all bad news for those wishing for a night out at Albert Hall, as stand up comedian Todd Barry has said he will more than happily fill in for the disgruntled Clapton.