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09th May 2016

Father Dougal actor says he received a death threat while filming ‘Father Ted’

Down with this sort of thing (careful now).

Carl Kinsella

Irish actor Ardal O’Hanlon has revealed that he received a death threat while filming the cult favourite comedy series Father Ted in the ’90s.

O’Hanlon, best known for playing loveable dimwit Father Dougal McGuire, spoke about the incident on the latest episode of Patrick Kielty’s BBC1 show Delete, Delete, Delete.

The star said:

“I remember getting this letter and it was along the lines of, ‘You’ve gone over to England and you’ve taken the Queen’s shilling. Who do you think you are? You are a disgrace to the country and if I ever see you, I’ll kill you’.”

Luckily, O’Hanlon showed the letter to a friend who was able to deduce where it had come from thanks to the postmark.

father dougal

“So being a stalker in Ireland is a rubbish occupation,” O’Hanlon concluded.


Meanwhile, if you deem yourself a Father Ted expert, then you should take our character quiz here.


Father Ted