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01st Aug 2024

Harry Potter fans shocked after discovering hidden sex scene in Prisoner of Azkaban

Ryan Price

The cheeky scene is easy to overlook.

Harry Potter fans have been gobsmacked to discover an ‘alleged’ hidden sex scene that can be found in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

While many rightly assume that the PG rating applied to each of the Harry Potter movies means that they feature no sex scenes or nudity whatsoever, some new evidence has come to light that may indicate otherwise.

There’s been a few awkward teenage kisses, most notably between Ron and Hermione and Harry and Ginny.

Now, some eagle-eyed fans have claimed that a graphic displayed during the closing credits of the 2004 film may be suggestive of a pretty raunchy sex act.

Perhaps the reason it is so easily missed is because it appears after most people have switched off.

The graphic is designed in the style of the famous Marauder’s Map – a magical item that allows the user to see the footprints of everybody seen within the Hogwarts’ grounds.

At one point during the credits, we can see the footprints of two witches/wizards in very close proximity at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

With the way the footprints are positioned, it is hard to believe that they are just having a quick chat and fans are adamant that they are engaging in a lewd act.

One X user posted a picture of the scene, along with the caption: “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, in the credits sequence, you can see two people having sex on the bottom left of the marauders map.”

Another wrote: “Completely forgot the that the Prisoner of Azkaban has a sex scene in its credits hahaha.”

In a 2015 interview with Huffington Post, Rus Wetherell, the man in charge of designing the sequence and those mysterious footsteps, addressed the rumours.

“We’ve all been kids,” he said. “We’ve all been in school and stuff … It was just a sort of little peck on the cheek.”

Sure it was Rus.