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15th Apr 2016

Game of Thrones could be wrapped up much sooner than you thought

All television shows must die

Carl Anka

Game of Thrones is back on April 24 and we can’t wait.

If the new trailers are any indication, things are coming to a head in a massive head for season six, with fans hoping to get answers to some of the series’ biggest questions.

Make the most of it though, as season six could be last 10-episode helping of Westerosi (and Braavos) adventure we’re getting.

Variety and Entertainment Weekly are reporting that once season six is done, Game of Thrones will only have 13 episodes left, ending with season eight.

Producers David Benioff and DB Weiss are pondering a deal with HBO to wrap up Game of Thrones with two more shortened seasons which would see season seven last a mere seven episodes, with the eighth season being a six-episode thriller – much like the final run of Breaking Bad.

internal scream game of thrones

“I think we’re down to our final 13 episodes after this season. We’re heading into the final lap,” Benioff said. “That’s the guess, though nothing is yet set in stone, but that’s what we’re looking at.”

While a HBO spokesperson later told Variety that conversations about the ending of Game of Thrones are “purely speculative”, the show finishing sooner rather than later does match HBO president Michael Lombardo’s statements last summer that the show would be over come the season eight finale.

“I think seven seasons and out has never been the conversation; the question is how much beyond the seventh season are we going to do,” he said

“[The producers are] feeling like there’s probably two more years after six. I would love for them to change their minds, but that’s what we’re looking at right now.”

We could very well be out of Game of Thrones by the end of 2018.

Best start campaigning for a prequel series now. What would you prefer? Robert’s Rebellion or the Blackfyre Uprising?