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10th Mar 2016

VIDEO: Helen Mirren left Stephen Colbert speechless and she’ll do the same to you

Carl Anka

Is there anything Helen Mirren can’t do?

It normally takes a lot to make Stephen Colbert speechless, but all it took for Helen Mirren was one kiss.

One heck of a kiss.

Mirren appeared on “The Late Night with Stephen Colbert” on Wednesday to talk about some upcoming projects but left the presenter short circuited with little more than a kiss and a shrug of the shoulders.

“If I didn’t do it then, I’d never get to do it, so, you know,” she explained. “I’ve been dreaming about doing that for about 15 years. I just grabbed my chance, I’m so sorry.”

“I can’t remember any questions”, Colbert responded afterwards.

We’re off for a long walk in the woods and a cold shower.