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21st Apr 2022

Johnny Depp reveals the bizarre rules Amber Heard made him follow

Danny Jones

Depp paints the picture of a toxic relationship

Johnny Depp has revealed the bizarre list of rules he was expected to follow while married to ex-wife Amber Heard.

The pair’s high-profile defamation case is still ongoing and the 58-year-old actor has already expanded on incidents such as when his finger was severed during an alleged altercation with Heard, 35. However, another unnerving detail is the list of “rules” he  claims she had for him while the two were still together.

After initially telling the court in Fairfax, Virginia that their relationship seemed “too good to be true” at the beginning, Depp went on to explain why his suspicion turned out to be correct, revealing that he once upset her by simply taking off his own boots.

As recounted by the Law & Crime Network‘s Angenette Levy on Twitter, this was part of an end of day ritual that Heard reporetdly liked to carry out when Depp returned home: pouring him a glass of wine before taking off his boots for him.

Seemingly alarmed by the innocuous behaviour, Heard reportedly asked him, “what did you just do?”, before insisting: ‘No, no, no, that’s my job”. The suggestion was that this was just one of a number of apparent unofficial rules that Heard had set during their marriage.

Though Depp did not go into further detail as to what other “rules of routine” Heard liked the pair to follow, he did state that she would appear “visibly shaken” whenever one of them was ‘broken’.

Among the numerous claims of assault now being levelled at Heard, included revelations such as a disturbing detail surrounding human faeces being found on his side of the bed, Depp claimed that the abuse was “constant”.

Citing incidents where “little digs commenced with demeaning, name-calling”, before escalating into full-scale arguments, he claims that she would often become violent – hitting him, throwing wine and TV remotes in his face – even to the point where he would hide in bathrooms to avoid fights.

Heard herself has claimed that Depp physically assaulted her and the Hollywood star has denied these allegations, assuring the court that he has “never hit a woman”.

Depp’s latest testimony can be watched in full below:

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