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04th Jun 2022

Johnny Depp will return as Jack Sparrow, predicts former Disney exec

Kieran Galpin

Never say never

After his victory against ex-wife Amber Heard in their simultaneous defamation lawsuits, a former Disney executive has predicted Depp’s return to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.

Now that the lawsuit is over, that is until Heard appeals the verdict, both parties are no doubt looking forwards to new projects on the horizon.

Speaking to People magazine, a former anonymous Disney executive suggested that the 58-year-old actor could return as his iconic character Captain Jack Sparrow.

“I absolutely believe post-verdict that Pirates is primed for rebooting with Johnny as Capt. Jack back on board,” they told the outlet. “There is just too much potential box-office treasure for a beloved character deeply embedded in the Disney culture. With [producer] Jerry Bruckheimer riding high on the massive success of Tom Cruise in Top Gun: Maverick, there is huge appetite for bringing back bankable Hollywood stars in massively popular franchises.”

Another insider supports such theories but does not think that Jack Sparrow will return as a central character. Instead, “I would think they make Robbie his daughter and likely have a cameo with him as a test.”

But Depp has not spoken kindly of Disney throughout the trail, essentially saying they axed him to protect their reputation.

While he claims he won’t work with them again, there is already a huge amount of fan support and, as the exec calls it, a “billion-dollar global franchise.”

On Twitter, where Depp is still trending, many are still sharing their disgust with Depp’s removal from the franchise.

“There can’t be a Pirates of the Caribbean 6 WITHOUT the one who started it all forever Johnny Depp a.k.a Captain Jack Sparrow!!” one fan wrote.

Another wrote: “Apologize to Johnny Depp and cast him in Pirates of the Caribbean 6 or I am switching to Hulu!!!”

While Disney are unlikely to change their decision based on one man’s threat to join Hulu, never say never.

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