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19th Apr 2021

Line of Duty fans think trailer reveals Kate’s fate

Claudia McInerney

Line of Duty fans believe they know who survived the deadly shootout

Fans of Line of Duty are convinced that the trailer for the remaining episodes of the season has ruined the ending of the latest episode.

The latest episode of the hit BBC show appeared on our screens last night, and, in the show’s usual style, ended with a tense cliff-hanger.

The final minutes of the show saw Detective Kate Fleming in a gunfire shootout with policeman Ryan Pilkington.

As the episode draws to a close, Kate orders Ryan to drop his weapon and tells him that AC-12 have been following his movements and are on their way to the scene.

Kate says: “Drop the gun, Ryan, drop the gun”, as the episode ends with the sound of two gunshots being fired.

Viewers of the popular show were left in the dark about who fired their weapon.

Fans have to wait until this Sunday’s Line of Duty episode until they can find out what happened in the final seconds of the last show, and they are not happy.

One fan posted a meme on Twitter, saying: “Me for the rest of the week after THAT ending.”

Another joked that they will not be able to sleep after the tantalising cliff-hanger.

However, some viewers spotted a particular scene from the trailer of upcoming episodes, which they believe unveils Kate Fleming’s fate.

Some fans posted a shot from the Line of Duty trailer, which showed Kate alive, standing next to Joanne in the lorry park.

The corrupt officer Ryan, in contrast, does not feature in the trailer, which has led fans to surmise that he was shot in last night’s episode.