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18th Jan 2016

Making A Murderer lawyer Jerry Buting lifts the lid on aspects of the Avery case


It’s the case that has the world hooked, but if you’re one of people that isn’t familiar with Making A Murderer on Netflix then look away now.

Steven Avery may have new legal representation but one half of his defence team – and the new darlings of the Internet – Jerry Buting has given a very interesting interview.

Speaking to Rolling Stone, Buting has talked about Avery’s legal options, the recent allegations made by Jodi Stachowski, and the idea of working with Dean Strang again.


He admitted he “doesn’t know” whether he would work with Dean Strang to defend Avery again, but noted that trial attorneys and appeal attorneys are rarely the same people.

“We stepped back during initial direct appeal so that there could be a set of fresh eyes to look at the evidence, to look at things we did, see if we made mistakes that might have been serious enough to jeopardize his right to effective assistance of counsel,” Buting said.

As for the recent allegations from Stachowski, Buting revealed that “When things were contemporaneous, happening back during that time, she did not have [her recently shared] opinion.”

He added that “the documentary showed that she was not going to be a reliable witness,” which is why she was not called to the stand at the time.