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07th Jul 2016

Manchester City have signed this top FIFA gamer to play for the club

What a job this is...

Ben Kenyon

We’ve all been told by our mums to stop playing computer games and get a real bloody job.

Well, we’ve got news for you mum – it is a bloody real job.

For Kieran ‘Kez’ Brown all these years of sitting in his bedroom and drilling the shit out of FIFA have royally paid off.

The 18-year-old FIFA gamer has been signed by Premier League big boys Manchester City to play for them. The pro eSports gamer will represent City at gaming tournaments and fan events for the upcoming FIFA 17 season.

It’s the first time City have signed a gaming pro in the club’s history and follows similar moves by Wolfsburg and West Ham into the growing sport.

“It’s exciting; it’s something new for the club and it’s something new for me,” the teenager said. “I’m going to livestream on Twitch, I’m going to be making videos for Manchester City’s YouTube channel and I’m going to be playing some City fans and representing City in future tournaments, which I’m looking forward to.

“This is an opportunity which not many people get the chance to do and I couldn’t turn it down.”

The eSports market is booming worldwide with games such as League of Legends and Counterstrike.

Just last month Sky announced it would broadcast the world’s first 24-hour eSports channel.

But it seems football clubs are piling in to sign up top FIFA gamers to represent them in tournaments and on social media.

“”his is a natural evolution for Manchester City, Diego Gigliani, SVP for media and innovation at the club’s City Football Marketing unit said.

“We’ve been very involved with our partner, EA Sports, and the FIFA franchise for some time.

“When we set out to find an eSports player, we decided we wanted someone who was a fantastic, young, talent, but also with a hunger and a desire to grow.

“We strongly believe we have found that in Kieran. He is full of potential. Not only is he a great player, but we also believe he will engage and interact brilliantly with our fans all around the world.”

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