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24th Sep 2016

Masood’s reaction to the news Phil Mitchell fathered Denise’s baby is absolute TV gold

One of the funniest scenes you'll see on Eastenders

Ben Kenyon

Eastenders probably isn’t going to be considered among the BBC’s finest works of comedy.

Goings-on in Albert Square normally range from the depressing to the down-right morbid.

But one scene from the flagship East End soap opera could well go down as a moment of classic TV comedy gold.

Whether the writers intended for it to be quite so amusing, we’re not sure. But we found it funny.

It was the moment Masood found out that Denis Fox had slept with Phil Mitchell and she was now pregnant with his child.

His reaction was not only priceless, but we imagine if we’d just found out our pal had drunkenly slept with Mitchell, we’d have reacted exactly the same.

‘Mitchell? I mean Phil Mitchell. Where? How? Why? How drunk were you?’ We were all thinking it.

Fans of the show thought the scene was equally brilliant…


If you missed the first ever episode of JOE’s Football Friday Live, catch it here…

