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30th May 2021

The best Matt LeBlanc “looking like your uncle” memes from the Friends reunion

Danny Jones

Matt LeBlanc is now simultaneously everyone’s uncle and yer da, it would seem

The Friends reunion finally happened, with people all over the world resubscribing to NOW TV, or the equivalent, just to watch the beloved comedy characters simply be in a room together again.

However, while everyone should be talking about how emotional it was to see them back together or debating whether the show was ever that good, everyone is making memes about Matt LeBlanc.

Joey simply turned it Joe (wahey!) for the hour-long special, as it he seemed to slip into the role of everyone’s uncle at Christmas, your dad at the pub and just yer da’ vibes, in general. The shirt, the posture, the bit of timber – the entire vibe screamed ‘bloke who reckons the could see of an 11th pint and still ‘av the bouncer on the door’.

All that being said, we thought we’d do absolutely cutting-edge journalism and mocked up a list reposting other people being funnier and more creative than us. Now that’s hard work. Here’s our 10 favourite meme courtesy of the man we’re now calling, simply, ‘Matt Blank’:

Literally our first thought. Grandads at Christmas are a classic comedy combo.

What do we reckon @RugbyJOE_UK?

So staggeringly specific yet still accurate and universal. Well in.

*Can’t heckle family, can’t heckle family*

‘Oh aye, me and him go way back, he used to play footy with ‘ar kid’.

The same fella who says ‘I’ll have it if it’s going!’ when bar staff bring over someone else’s drinks.


‘Here they come’.

The Irish Matt Blank memes really are an entire sub-section of the genre, so it is. Just ask our lot over on

And lastly, proof – as if it was ever needed.

Well played, all of yous, ya funny buggers.

Can we have another reunion next week?