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20th Oct 2021

Matt Lucas hits back at outrage over ‘offensive’ Bake Off German accent

Charlie Herbert

‘I’m Anglo-German […] so I’ll do a ropey German accent any time I like’

Matt Lucas has responded to criticism for a German accent he did on Tuesday’s (October 19) episode of the Great British Bake Off.

It was German week on last night’s episode of the show – and don’t worry there will be no spoilers here.

However the intro to this week’s instalment saw Lucas and co-host Noel Fielding dressed up as German electronic music legends Kraftwerk, singing a silly Bake Off-inspired themed song in German accents.

However, one viewer asked others on Twitter whether imitating a German accent was “offensive.”

Lucas was quick to respond to this claim, pointing out that he in fact is a German citizen and has both British and German passports.

Responding to the tweet, which has now been deleted, he wrote: “I am Anglo-German. I am a citizen of both countries, with passports for each, so I’ll do a ropey German accent any time I like.

“Mind you, I’ll probably also do a French accent and an Italian one, if I fancy. Cause, acting, innit.”

Lucas got plenty of support from fans online who saw the opening sketch as just a bit of harmless fun.

One follower wrote: “I’m German and there’s absolutely nothing offensive there! Personally I get a bit annoyed when people try to classify German as nothing but aggressive, but that’s stereotypes for you.”

Another agreed, although did go on to ask whether it would be acceptable to use “Asian, African or West Indian accents in such themed weeks.”

Others weren’t convinced.

One wrote: “The very unfunny Matt Lucas with his ‘comic’ German accent on #GreatBritishBakeOff.

“Can you imagine the meltdown if it was an Indian or Caribbean accent he was mimicking.”

Another said: “Starting to find the mock German accent both irritating and inappropriate. Would this be allowed if it were another nationality?”

German week on the show saw the bakers tasked with whipping up German biscuits, an eight-layered Prinzregententorte chocolate cake and a yeast leavened cake.

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