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28th Feb 2022

Netflix viewers praising Ukrainians after watching doc about their long ‘fight for freedom’

Kieran Galpin

The doc opens on a backdrop of violent protests in 2013

People are praising the determination and resilience of the Ukrainian people after watching a documentary about their continued “fight for freedom.”

In a bid to educate themselves on the history of Ukraine, and more specifically, their relations with Russia and its President Vladimir Putin, people have taken to Netflix to watch 2015’s Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom. In 2016, Winter on Fire earned Netflix one of its first Oscar nominations for Best Feature Documentary.

The documentary, directed by Evgeny Afineevsky, begins against the backdrop of protestors taking to the streets over Ukraine’s government siding with Russia in 2014 and suspending the signing of the European Union and Ukraine Association Agreement.

In late 2013, former President Viktor Yanukovych was central in the protests until he fled to Russia after being ousted by his people.

This resulted in the annexing of Crimea in February 2014, which saw Russia invade the southern region and claim it as their own.

While the Ukrainian people have demonstrated incredible perseverance in the days since Putin’s invasion, such as the soldiers who told a Russian warship to “go f*** yourself”, many people are now learning just how long they’ve been putting up a fight, having turned to the documentary to learn more.

One person said: “I highly recommend watching the Netflix doc Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight For Freedom for much-needed context and recent history. The will and determination by young Ukrainians in demanding democracy and independence is breathtaking.”

Another said: “If you haven’t seen the documentary ‘Winter on Fire’ on @netflix, I highly recommend it.”

Whether you are on Twitter learning and sharing information about the conflict, organising a protest, or donating to various charities, getting educated is by far one of the most important steps you can take to understand the conflict and the plight of the Ukrainian people.

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