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02nd Aug 2019

QUIZ: Is this a Robert De Niro film, or an Al Pacino film?

Wil Jones

Do you know your Donnie Brasco from your Goodfellas?

Controversial opinion here, but both Al Pacino and Robert De Niro are pretty decent actors. For five decades now, the duo have starred in some of the defining American movies of their era, and featured in countless iconic movie moments. And yes, in recent years, both of them have suffered from some not-great choices, but their legacy is basically impossible to tarnish.

Al Pacino and Robert De Niro have always been intrinsically linked. Both Italian-Americans born in New York, they both broke through during the ‘New Hollywood’ of the 1970s, where auteurs like Martin Scorses and Francis Ford Coppola redefined what mainstream American studio movies could be. Despite this, they’ve only made four movies together: The Godfather Part II (where they never share the screen), Heat, Righteous Kill, and the upcoming Netflix crime movie The Irishman, directed by Martin Scorsese.

So, with that in mind, here is an Al Pacino and Robert De Niro quiz for all you cinephiles out there. We have given you 20 movies – you just have to tell us if it was De Niro or Pacino that appeared in them.

A few hints – for some of them, they won’t be the lead character, they will just appear in a supporting role or a memorable cameo. Also, we haven’t included any of those movies that they both appear in, so there are no trick questions here.

Some of them are very obvious, but it definitely gets harder as it goes on. We’ve included several of the big classics that you instantly think of when you hear the names ‘Al Pacino’ and ‘Robert De Niro’. But there are also some more obscure entries in their filmography – and some of their, erm, how should we say, less good movies on here as well.