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08th Sep 2021

Resurfaced clip of Michael K Williams and Anthony Bourdain reminds us we’ve lost two icons

Charlie Herbert

‘Michael K. Williams and Anthony Bourdain, name a more iconic duo’

Since the news broke on Monday of Michael K. Williams’ death, fans have been reminiscing about some of his iconic roles. But one television appearance, in particular, has struck a chord – when he and the late Anthony Bourdain strolled the streets of Brooklyn.

The two appeared together on the last episode of Bourdain’s No Reservations in 2012. Bourdain took his own life in 2018, leaving the world of food and travel reeling, so his episode with Williams in which the two wander around the actor’s beloved Brooklyn neighbourhood now has added meaning and emotion.

One clip, shared widely on Twitter, from the episode, gave many the feels. It shows the pair bonding over Caribbean food and the start of a blossoming bromance.

There’s just an infectious mood throughout.

Williams’ unashamed love for his neighbourhood stood out for fans, with one describing the episode as a “mutual lovefest between a man and the people of a city”.

In 2018, The Wire star went on The Late Show and discussed the now-iconic episode. He said that Bourdain had been “down” to visit the Flatbush area instead of the “bougie Williamsburg” and was completely gracious to everyone they met. Williams told host Stephen Colbert that Bourdain was “my kind of guy”.

You can see the full clip below.

As well as watching Williams many films and TV shows featuring on streaming platforms, we’d recommend also watching Bourdain’s Parts Unkown series on Netflix – it was the last show he filmed before he passed and his deep connection to food and its surrounding culture is as compelling as ever.

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