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03rd Jan 2017

Ronnie Mitchell actress reveals how she spent morning after EastEnders watery death scene

It was too much for some EastEnders fans.

Mike Wright

Depending on your view it’s either a fitting tribute or a case of expelling some on-screen demons.

Or more likely the fact she just happened to be staying in a hotel. Whatever her true motivation, the actress who played Ronnie Mitchell, Sam Womack, decided to spend the morning after she was killed off in an eerily similar manner to her character’s watery end.

In the New Year’s Day special, Ronnie drowned in a hotel swimming pool after she dived in in her wedding dress trying to save her sister Roxy, who’d passed out after going for a drunken late-night dip.

Shooting the scene, which saw the actresses spend a fair amount of time lying motionless under the water, can’t have been easy. But it doesn’t seem to have fazed the 44-year-old.

Yesterday morning Sam tweeted.

Adding that rather than with her onscreen sister Roxy Mitchell, she’d taken this less fatal dip with Stacey Solomon instead. Not sure that’s an upgrade?

But even though Sam assured her followers she’d emerged from this hotel pool unscathed, it was still too soon for some EastEnders fans.

While others took it upon themselves to offer the actress some sage aquatic advice.

A solid tip for any swimmer.

