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05th Feb 2016

Susan Sarandon and Piers Morgan are engaged in a ‘battle of the breasts’ on Twitter (pics)


Piers Morgan and Susan Sarandon have put a different spin on the phrase ‘bosom buddies’.

The actress and presenter have been filling the Twitter feed by posting pictures of their cleavage to one another.

It started because Morgan shamed the Oscar winner by saying she had to much cleavage on display during her recent appearance at the SAG awards, where she introduced a memoriam segment for notable deaths over the past year.

As always, Morgan wasn’t shy about expressing his opinion.

But Sarandon had this perfect response after posting an image of her breakthrough performance as Janet in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

To which Piers replied with this (horrendous) photo-shopped image…

But it was too late, thousands of women had taken umbrage with his remark and jumped to Susan’s defence…

Just to reiterate, Morgan defended his stance as best as he could.