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10th Nov 2021

Susanna Reid apologises for ‘insensitive’ question to lesbian couple trying for baby

Danny Jones

The GMB host apologised immediately for having misspoken

Susanna Reid immediately apologised after asking what she admits was an “insensitive” albeit accidental question to a lesbian couple on Tuesday’s episode of Good Morning Britain.

As reported by multiple outlets, Reid was interviewing influencers and lesbian couple, Megan and Whitney Bacon-Evans, who are currently suing the NHS over their “discriminatory” IVF policy.

Amidst the discussion, Reid went on to ask: “What are your dreams, what are your hopes? Who wants to be mum? How many children would you like to have?”

Picking up immediately on the gender-normative question, Megan replied, “Well we both want to be mum…”, at which point Reid realised she had misspoken almost immediately responded: “Sorry. Of course you both want to be mum as in, of course, you’ll both be mum. I apologise for that insensitivity.”

Susanna Reid quizzing couple on GMB

Whitney was quick to say “don’t worry” after the minor slip-up and Reid did go on to qualify that she meant to ask “who wants to carry the baby”, as opposed to making any suggestion as to who would take on which sex-specific role.

The couple, who have been together for 13 years, then went on to explain how Megan would “go first” but that they intend to have multiple children having purchased enough sperm for their prospective children to have siblings.

During their interview, the pair explained how they felt they had been penalised by the Frimley Clinical Commissioning Group (FCCG) for their sexuality, alleging that they had to pay more for treatments and the entire process than straight couples would. The FCCG denies these claims.

As alluded to in the Instagram post above, the two discussed the issue of LGBTQ+ discrimination when it comes to things like IVF in The Guardian.

We can only hope that no additional obstacles are placed in theirs or any other couples way, that the IVF treatments go successfully and that they can welcome many happy children into the world.

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