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07th Mar 2016

Teresa Halbach’s death certificate raises more questions on Steven Avery’s murder conviction

The questions need answering...


If you were one of the many people to while away hours watching Making a Murderer, you’ll know that Steven Avery’s murder conviction is riddled with controversy.

The release of Teresa Halbech’s death certificate, under the Freedom of Information Act, has raised many questions about whether Steven is guilty or not.

Brought to our attention by The Huffington Post, the document can be viewed at and it led people to comment on a number of obvious discrepancies within the file.

  • Originally, the cause of death was noted as ‘undetermined’ but this was later crossed out.
  • The report says Teresa died on 10th November, only a day before Steven was charged and a day after the coroner received her bone fragments.
  • The document was filled out SIX WEEKS before the FBI confirmed that the DNA evidence used in the case actually existed.

Steven Avery was convicted of Teresa’s murder in 2007 and sentenced to life without parole but as new evidence continues to come to light, his lawyer, Kathleen Zellner, is confident about that he will be declared innocent before long.