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31st Jan 2016

Game of Thrones star has some surprising news about the show’s sixth season

Carl Kinsella

Are things finally looking up for Sansa Stark?

Game of Thrones character Sansa has not had what you would call a traditionally happy childhood.

But the actress who plays her, Sophie Turner, has some news that might give Sansa fans some reason to hope.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Turner said “This season is a really, really big one for Sansa.

“It’s probably her best season yet … she, this season, really commands the respect that she deserves and she grabs hold of it and she runs with it.”

sophie turner

She went on to say that her character is “finally getting that storyline that you’ve been craving for the past five seasons.”

Nothing concrete to go on, but it certainly sounds as though we could be about see Sansa Stark finally come into her own.