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09th Jan 2022

The Batman: internet divided over Riddler first look

Kieran Galpin

What do you think about the Riddler’s costume change?

The internet is divided once more after first-look images of The Batman’s Riddler were revealed on Twitter.

The Riddler

While the buzz for The Batman, directed by Matt Reeves, is still immensely positive, people have some thoughts about the latest costume reveal. The Riddler, who Paul Dano will play, is seen clad in a green leather mask and accompanying green jacket.

Superhero movies often adapt iconic costumes to be more suited for a contemporary audience. While they almost always pay tribute to the costumes long since passed, this new addition seems to stray from the source material.

The Gotham villain is usually seen in head to toe green with a matching bowler hat in the comics. Jim Carrey’s depiction of the character from 1995’s Batman Forever is more comic accurate for sure but perhaps lacked the gritty edge The Batman is going for.

People have taken to Twitter to discuss the costume change, with one of our followers writing: “Looks amazing I think. I’m really excited for this movie think I may be the best Batman movie yet.”

Another agreed, writing: “better than the cheesy clowny jim carrey version.”

But not everyone enjoys the new costume, and many have compared it to Kanye West’s fashion label Yeezy.

“Looks like he shops at ASOS,” one Twitter user noticed.

Another said: “It’s boring, which is the worst crime possible.”

A more nuanced response reads: “It’s an interesting, pared down interpretation of riddler in his beginnings that leans into his callousness and violence and, more importantly, fits the tone & vision of the story.”

The Batman, starring Robert Pattison and Zoe Kravitz as Batman and Catwoman, is due to hit the big screens on March 4.

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