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09th Mar 2019

We may have a new nomination for The Chase’s worst answer of all time

Rebecca O'Keeffe

You cannot beat The Chase

As far as quiz shows go, there are few as good or as tense as The Chase. There always seems to be some hilarious, face palm story surrounding Bradley Walsh and his show, hence why people continue to devour it vociferously.

Take Friday’s episode as an example of just how glorious it can be. Rachel from Liverpool came on the show to win some cash to fund her dream wedding, nothing wrong with that.

For the purpose of this scenario, it’s important to note that the lovely Rachel works as a police woman.

Bradley asked her the question: “What flying animal is the slang for doing time in prison?”

Rachel replied…….. “Monkey”.

the chase

Monkey. You know monkeys, yeah? That animal with hair and eyes and a mouth and wings and a beak…. oh shit, that’s a bird, isn’t it? Yeah, it’s definitely a bird. Not a monkey.

Walsh, knowing this, corrected her by saying “bird”.

Unfortunately for Rachel, this error was picked up by a number of people on Twitter, who were quick to take the absolute piss out of her for her mistake.