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24th Feb 2018

The kid who played young Snape looks very different now, and has a completely different life

And no, he doesn't look like Alan Rickman.

Wil Jones

It’s been seventeen years since the first Harry Potter film came out (yeah, we feel old), and in that time we’ve watched the likes of Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson grow into international movie stars. But what about the rest of cast?

Professor Snape was memorably portrayed by the late, great Alan Rickman in all eight Potter  movies – but we also got flashbacks to his youth in the final instalment, The Deathly Hallows: Part 2, where he played by young actor Benedict Clarke (a teenage Snape also appeared in Order of the Phoenix, played by a different actor).

Now photos of what Clarke looks like today have come to life – on his Instagram – and the swooping black hair is long gone. He’s now in his 20s, and is studying at Cambridge University.

Here he is giving you the finger.

And he seems to go to a lot of festivals.

We hope this image means he is still acting….

According to IMDB, after taking a break from acting, Clarke’s latest role is in a short due later this year entitled The Graveyard Shift.