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09th Mar 2022

Theme park mascot reveals the truly bizarre things that people do to them

Charlie Herbert

‘A grown man spanked me as Bart Simpson’

A theme park mascot has revealed some of the weird things people do to those inside a costume – including once being spanked whilst dressed as Bart Simpson.

The former Universal Studios employee was hosting an ‘ask me anything’ session on Reddit where he revealed some of the secrets of the trade.

One person asked whether there were any exclusive behind-the-scenes benefits and secrets for workers. The poster said there was in fact a special staff-only Starbucks backstage at the park in Universal Orlando.

Another asked if it got hot inside the mascot suit, to which the answer was an unsurprising yes.

However, by far the weirdest stories from the former mascot were the ones that involved being attacked by tourists.

They told one story of how a child knew there was a person in the mascot suit so started hitting them and shouting “I know there’s a person in there.” They added that it didn’t hurt though.

The most bizarre revelation came after one Redditor asked if they had ever made a child cry.

The former Universal employee replied that whilst they had never made a kid cry, once when they were dressed as Bart Simpson “a grown man spanked me 8-9 times and laughed and said ‘Bart you’re a bad boy.'”

They added: “Everyone in the lines jaws dropped as did mine.”

In case there was any doubt, this is against Universal’s theme park policies, which say that guests are never supposed to touch or hit mascots as it could put their safety as well as the employee’s safety at risk.

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