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27th Apr 2016

This FINALLY explains why Eastenders’ Tracy rarely gets an opportunity to talk



Eastenders’ Tracy has often been referred to as ‘the silent barmaid’ with people wondering why she never gets much of an opportunity to chat on screen.

It’s something that has been pointed out time and time again by avid soap fans and the reason behind it is actually quite simple.

As pointed out by The Sun, if you’re an extra on a soap, the amount you’re paid can vary depending on what you’re doing on screen.

Extras, or “background artists”, are usually paid a going rate of £84 but if they have to speak, this amount can increase by about £50.50.

Night shoots can also bump up an extra’s pay packet as can a requested ‘special reaction’…resting bitchface comes to mind.

It explains why Tracey played by Jane Slaughter, and most extras on soaps rarely say much because in doing so, bills dramatically rise.

There you have it.