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26th May 2015

Video: A fascinating insight into bringing Star Wars to Madame Tussauds

Maybe he's born with it...


The clever clogs at Madame Tussauds have been working overtime to bring Darth Vader and co to their London attraction…

In a fascinating behind-the-scenes video, sculptors, colourists and costume designers talk about all the painstaking work that goes into making their amazingly life-like wax statues.

The artists and designers talk about their absolute attention to detail, and how Chewbacca in particular was a challenge. His fur is 100% yak hair and it took ten people a total of 800 hours to apply.

Each costume, prop and fabric needed to be approved by Lucas Film before being used, and the team even visited the Skywalker Ranch to ensure materials and colouring were spot on.

But enough of us waxing lyrical – take a Luke for yourself…