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03rd Mar 2016

VIDEO: This ‘Geordie’ character on US show Castle is a contender for worse accent ever

Carl Anka

Geordies, look away now.

Cult television show Castle will have you cringing with this…interesting interpretation of the Newcastle accent.

The crime series, which sees Nathan Fillion get himself into all sorts of amusing scrapes, hit a wrong turn with a recent season eight episode where Castle had to infiltrate an English class for beginners to find out who committed a murder.

He bumped into a Geordie in his journeys. Or at least, someone who is meant to be from Newcastle.

“Though technically English, the language has evolved to include a certain unique vocabulary and grammatical structure”, remarks one character on hearing it. ‘Unique’ is probably the best description, as how this got past listeners in America we’ll never know.

Maybe that’s just what Geordie sounds like to the American ear. At least, that’s the impression assistant Castle writer Nick Hurwitz gave with this recent tweet.

What do you think of the Geordie impression in Castle? Or did you need an interpreter like the detectives in the video?