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01st Jun 2015

Video: This mashup of The Shining and Grand Budapest Hotel is both menacing and twee

Nooruddean Choudry

Wes Anderson and the legendary Stanley Kubrick are both directors of rareĀ vision, butĀ it’s fair to say their films explore the polar extremesĀ of the human condition…

Anderson enthrals the viewer with his light comic touch and a universe of charming whimsy, whereas Kubrick leaves the audience with wrought nerves and well-gnawedĀ fingernails with hisĀ chilling intensity.

Talented Youtuber Steve RamsdenĀ has somehow managed to combine the respective magnum opera of the two, by merging The Grand Budapest Hotel and The Shining to produce a beautifullyĀ seamlessĀ amalgam.

The witty mashup takes advantage of the obsession with symmetry and framing both directors share, as well as the retro feel of Anderson’s trademark colour palette, which complements Kubrick’s era.

Thankfully, this particular hotel isn’t an option on Expedia…