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04th May 2016

Watch Seth Rogan react as any reasonable human would to a Piers Morgan hug

No thanks Piers.

Laura Holland

You’d probably do the same if Piers Morgan tried to hug you. 

Seth Rogan’s face in this video as Piers Morgan tried to hug him is priceless. Seth joined the controversial presenter on ITV’s Good Morning Britain to chat about his new movie Bad Neighbours 2.

During the interview, Seth got chatting about how he doesn’t like being hugged.

He said: “What’s funny is that generally I’m a person who doesn’t like to be touched that much. I don’t know how I portray that. I hate touching people, I’m a weird hugger. I get very tense when people try to hug me…”

Morgan, being Morgan, then leaned over to give him one and he yelped in protest, “Ahhhh, nooooo.”

Watch it here:

Image and video via YouTube/Good Morning Britain
