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08th Oct 2018

18 thoughts I had watching Doctor Who for the first time

Technically it should be called Doctor Whom

Ciara Knight

Technically it should be called Doctor Whom

There comes a time in everyone’s life where despite much resistance, they have to bite the bullet and reluctantly keep up with the rest of the world. With that mentality in mind, I have watched an episode of Doctor Who. Hero? Yes.

Last night launched the first episode of the eleventh series, with Jodie Whittaker making her debut as the Time Lord. Never has there been a better time to immerse oneself into the beloved franchise than now, surely.

Prior to the viewing, I had never seen Doctor Who before, nor did I know much about it other than there is a Doctor and it is now a lady because it’s 2018 and anything is possible for us gals.

Here’s 18 thoughts I noted along the way.

1. Among other things, the most important lesson Doctor Who teaches people is the importance of always wearing a coat.

2. A female Doctor Who? More like Nurse Who!!!! JK JK JK JK (I am a girl I can make this joke okay) JUST KIDDING SORRY.

3. A train being invaded by aliens is probably not even top 10 in the weirdest things to have happened in Sheffield.

4. If we could get health updates simply by sticking our fingers up our noses, several people in my workplace would never need to seek medical attention again.

5. The literal Time Lord deserves a lot better than being driven around in a VOLVO.


7. Definitely putting a folder on my desktop called ‘If I Die – Click Here’ and it’s just going to be full of Pepe memes and the ‘This is fine’ cartoon.

8. “Only idiots carry knives”… Also bread enthusiasts?

9. This drunk man throwing salad at an alien needs a spinoff series… Oh no he’s dead now, never mind.

10. An entire face made out of teeth would really hike up your dental hygiene budget.

11. Men are from Mars, women are from a binary star system within the constellation Kasterborous.

12. Crane operators don’t get enough credit for the great lengths they have to go to for a wee.

13. If she was a real Doctor, surely she would’ve been able to bring that woman back to life?

14. Bradley Walsh could win an Oscar and I will still refuse to acknowledge him as an actor. He is the man from The Chase who my Mum fancies.

15. Poundland probably has a knockoff Sonic Screwdriver called a Mario Mallet.

16. Sad to think that this franchise wouldn’t have happened if everyone just ate more apples.

17. The Doctor should set up a herb delivery service called Thyme Lord.

18. Technically it should be called Doctor Whom.