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20th Aug 2018

What The Simpsons would look like with a real-life Homer

Prepare to be disturbed

Ciara Knight


As we’ve learned, the 3D human version Homer Simpson is a truly harrowing sight to behold. But we must embrace this obscenity and determine what The Simpsons would look like if Homer was the only family member to be a real-life human.

Artist Miguel Vasquez has already gotten the ball rolling with his stunning and surreal depictions of the great man, but I think we should push the ball just a smidge further. Right into the path of absurdity.

Due to little other than morbid curiosity, I’ve added real life Homer into some iconic scenes from The Simpsons.

Truly, I am sorry for what follows.

Don’t find someone who looks at you the same way real-life Homer looks at Spider Pig


Stupid sexy Flanders is unperturbed by real-life Homer Simpson, surprisingly


Real-life referee Homer is 10% more sexy than animated Homer, somehow???


Real-life fat Homer has precisely zero chances of hitching a ride


Real-life astronaut Homer would never be sent into space. The aliens just wouldn’t allow it


Hedge Homer can’t come to the phone right now, but if you’d like to leave a message…


Real-life Homer is twice as likely to be shot by policemen because his skin is a different colour to theirs


Real-life daredevil Homer can’t jump over Springfield gorge, nor is he allowed to for security reasons


Real-life Mr Plow would like to do business with you, but would you like to do business with him?


Real-life bathing Homer doesn’t notice Bart’s advances, just like the regular one


Real-life Homer is still adored by his family, which is comforting but also very unlikely


Most importantly, real-life Homer is also doing it for her <3


You can find his full collection of Vasquez’s work on his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages.

Images via Fox