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07th Feb 2018

Will Smith just absolutely rinsed his son Jaden on Instagram

Jaden will be so embarrassed with the free promotion lol


Jaden reached 100,000,000 streams on Spotify, but his dad had a brutal way of celebrating.

Notorious banter merchant ‘Big Willy’ Smith has well and truly obliterated the internet with his latest stunt.

Internet servers worldwide have gone into disarray as they scramble to retain operation after the unprecedented bombshell Will Smith dropped on Instagram a cool ten hours ago.

Those with heart conditions are advised to stop reading NOW as what follows is likely to cause a dangerous and potentially life-threatening level of amusement.

Will Smith uploaded a parody of his son’s popular music video.

Here is the video.

**Viewer discretion is advised**

Will Smith, the absolute banter merchant, has only gone and poked fun at Jaden’s ‘Icon’ music video, which sees him sporting an uncomfortable amount of gold chains, a grill, a denim jacket that’s fit for the bin and a bleached hairstyle. In summary, Jaden Smith is very edgy.

What we’re dealing with here is a family full of utter legends who aren’t afraid to upload content to the internet that casts them in a flattering and relatable light, subliminally promoting their empire. Will the internet ever recover? Experts are suggesting that it’s unlikely.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen an explosive level of banter from Willard Smith. Remember when he was in that television show with the catchy theme song? Legend.

In a bid to restore some calm between himself and his son, Will expertly drops the facade towards the end of the video to remind us that his son’s song has gotten 100 million streams on Spotify and that he is actually very proud of him. It was all a clever ruse to remind us that the Smiths are an incredibly successful family. There’s no beef between the pair at all. It was all in jest. Boy oh boy do we all have eggs on our faces now.

Finally, we have concrete evidence that the insatiable thirst for banter spreads far and wide, even into the celebrity community.