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16th Nov 2021

Woman interrupts comedian’s set because she’s ‘offended’ but gets booed off stage

Kieran Galpin

Who has been so ‘offended’ they felt the need to get on stage? Yeah, me neither.

A woman was booed off stage after stopping a comedian’s set to complain she was offended by his jokes on Saturday night.

In the video now posted to Twitter, the blonde-haired woman confronts comedian Affion Crockett at his show in The Comedy Zone in Jacksonville over jokes relating to sex between two ‘consenting’ adults.

While the video begins with the so-called ‘Karen’ talking to an unnamed woman, things take an interesting turn when Affion himself questions her motives.

She explains: “I’m a woman. And I’m married to a man. But you’ve insulted a lot of people tonight.”

After confirming that she is a woman, Affion replies: “How? How am I insulting people by talking about sexual matters between adults?”

He then continues amongst boos and jeers from the audience: “I’m talking about consenting adults here,” he says.

“I have sex. I have sex with women.

“So me being up here describing my life is insulting to you?”

Though the exact nature of the joke has not been revealed, the Karen steps down to chanting and booing after someone from Comedy Zone gets on stage.

Affion concludes by saying: “See white people can do whatever the f*** they want – storm the Capitol or storm my goddamn stage.”

The 47-year-old comedian, who first made his break on HBO-aired series Def Comedy Jam, also shared the clip to his Instagram.

Fellow comedian Chaunte’ Wayans commented: “we should have some laws changed when someone enters your space!”

Sharon Stone replied: “I so don’t understand WHY anyone comes to anyone’s show and then complains about the content. DONT COME . You’re coming is arbitrary : the art is not about YOU , it’s about the ARTIST ; if YOU DONT LIKE IT : GO HOME . it’s ENTERTAIMENT not your ideaS DUH.[sic]”