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02nd Dec 2021

David Attenborough says he hopes he dies quickly

Kieran Galpin

We’re not crying; you’re crying!

National treasure David Attenborough has admitted that while he doesn’t fear death, he does hope he dies quickly without “becoming helpless and gaga”.

In an interview with CBS‘s Anderson Cooper, Attenborough got candid about the inevitability of death.

“What are you most fearful of at this moment?” Cooper, 54, asked.

The 95-year-old animal expert replied: “Becoming helpless and gaga.”

However the environmental advocate does not fear death at all, saying: “not for the process, I’d just like it to be a quick process, thanks very much.”

In the same interview with Cooper, Attenborough admits he is most hopeful about the young.

However this isn’t even the first time that Attenborough has been asked about his death. In a 2019 interview with ABC, Attenborough said: “No, I just hope it won’t be painful – and I hope it won’t be tiresome for others.”

Attenborough is a beloved icon across the globe – but why do people keep asking about his death?
The icon was also asked what moment he would live again if given a chance and his response was peak Attenborough.
“Seeing a coral reef for the first time, watching a hummingbird, sitting alongside a gorilla, holding my first born baby,” the legend said.
Earlier this year, Attenborough revealed the most heartbreaking moment of his career on the Call of the Wild podcast.

“I suppose the most obvious one that I remember particularly vividly, of course, is the first time when I went to a coral reef,” he said.

“I thought I was going to dive in, in eastern Australia on the Barrier Reef, and instead of seeing the most marvellous, beautiful, extraordinary, wonderful wonderland, it was a cemetery.

“It was just white, dead coral. And we were responsible.”

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