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Climate Change

20th Jan 2022

GMB guest urging people to ditch conservatories while sat in one labelled ‘hypocrite’

Kieran Galpin

‘Your conservatory is still going to stand but nobody else is allowed to have one from now on’

An environmental scientist appeared on Good Morning Britain this morning to discuss concerns over conservatories while also sitting in a conservatory.

Angela Terry joined presenters Susanna Reid and Ben Shephard to talk about how ridding the world of conservatories could positively affect the environment while also protecting health and safety.

While discussing her feelings around the wiping out of conservatories, she also admitted to being sat in one herself.

She said: “Obviously I’m in my conservatory here. When we bought the house it was here. So yeah, we’re just trying to keep people safe.”

Reid questioned Terry on her attitudes, asking, “Your conservatory is still going to stand but nobody else is allowed to have one from now on.”

Terry explained that while her “house came with the conservatory on it”, new legislation urges people not to build them as the “world is getting warmer and warmer.”

Though Terry’s rationale sort of makes sense – people online did not hold back and quickly branded her a “hypocrite.”

One person wrote: “‘Nobody can now build a conservatory on their homes’. Says environmentalist lady sat in her conservatory. Hypocritical. Do as I say, not as I do.”

“People are so dim loool how is this lady telling people they can’t have a conservatory… whilst sitting in her conservatory?” questioned another.

Terry maintained her hatred of conservatories despite pushes from the GMB hosts throughout the rest of the interview. Her most pressing concern is people getting too hot and passing out, which Reid and Shephard hoped would not happen as you’d surely leave if you were becoming too warm.

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