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19th Jul 2019

This man completed a run and cycle across America without taking a rest day

One Irishman completed an incredible 5,000 kilometre run and cycle across America in just 36 days - while training for strength and not taking a rest day


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One Irishman completed an incredible 5,000 kilometre run and cycle across America in just 36 days

That’s an ultramarathon for three days, followed by a 270km cycle for the following three days, then repeat that process six times from Golden Gate Bridge to Brooklyn Bridge. What’s more, it was completed without taking a typical rest day.

“I don’t train like a typical endurance athlete – I train for strength. Doing a lot of 5 x 5, heavy squatting, heavy lunging, a lot of single leg work and unilateral exercises.

“I usually train for strength not endurance, so with other lifts such as hang cleans and power cleans too. From an endurance perspective, people think hitting the gym isn’t going to make you faster, but strength training will make you more robust.”

Finn says the idea for the challenge came about for a matter very close to his heart.

The Satipharm CBD ambassador said, “My endurance life has been centred on helping people. My first cousin Mary is living with spina bifida. Her condition worsened in 2014 and she has the feeling of pain 24 hours a day.

“I have pain four hours a day running, or in the gym, but she has it 24 hours a day. So therefore, the idea of my first challenge came about to do 24 marathons in 24 days.”

Visualisation techniques come in handy for sportspeople, in order to programme success into one’s mind. But for Shane, his cousin Mary is a very real motivating factor which kept him going all the way.

Just as she did for the 24 marathons in 24 days, Mary was waiting to welcome Shane at the finish line in Brooklyn Bridge, after he successfully completed the American Ultra.

“I knew my cousin was going to be at Brooklyn Bridge so that was it for me, I have that really close family connection.”

The decision to journey across America was actually taken a very short time after the 24 marathons were completed.

“Two months after the 24 marathons, the charity that helps Mary had its funding cut, which frustrated me. It was a sign that I had to do something. In the next 40 minutes, I went from no plans to planning to run across America in 36 days.”

In terms of nutrition and supplementation, runner Shane prefers to keep matters simple.

While many athletes have drawers full of supplements, Shane simply swears by his trusty CBD from Satipharm.

“For me, CBD is the only thing I take now. I was pleasantly surprised as I don’t normally take supplements.

“The main thing for me that CBD helped wasn’t so much the sleep, but less inflammation in the joints. Although, while crossing America, I’d take it before bed. Sleep was a pain in the ass then!”

Even now, while not currently engaged in an ultra event, Shane is still reaping the rewards of CBD supplementation.

“From the day I finished, I’m still taking it. The minute I got home, I got back into training, and I still take it every night before sleep. It’s second nature. Now I’m ramping my training back up, I will continue taking CBD for recovery.”

In the same way his in-gym training looks different to that of a typical runner, Shane’s nutrition plan does too.

“Nutrition is a minefield – I intend to go against the grain with carb-backloading in the evening. I even do a lot of fasted training.”

Ultra runner Shane is mindful not to push his preferences onto other athletes, but is clear that success occurs when you follow a plan bespoke to your body.

“This kind of eating and fasted training suits some folks and not others, I sat really well with it. I stopped taking all sorts of shakes and gels, but I was training twice in a day. People might be shocked to see it with no carbs but after, in the evening, I’d have fresh fish, meat, veg and potatoes.”

In terms of supplement recommendations, athletes have to be super careful. You’re not an average Joe, you’ve got all sorts of regulatory hoops to jump through. This is where safe, effective and tested supplements come into play.

With a capsule format, you know what you’re getting every time.

Satipharm CBD capsules are now available in Holland & Barrett stores nationwide and selected pharmacies.

Read more from JOE