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22nd Mar 2018

Morrisons is selling huge kegs of Strongbow Dark Fruit for a bargain price

In awe at the size of this lad. Absolute unit.

Kyle Picknell

In awe at the size of this lad. Absolute unit.

Whilst it is still extremely cold and grey, Morrisons have at least given us a reason to look forward to the summer, unleashing gigantic kegs of Strongbow Dark Fruit like this is some kind of mad Dr.Who episode and the Daleks have evolved.

The mammoth kegs are a full five litres and perfect for all the barbecues and house parties that will no doubt eventually get planned after all this terrible, terrible weather dies down. When that will be, I don’t know. But we’ll be ready when it happens. Whenever it eventually decides to happen.

The kegs were teased for launch on Valentine’s Day, and are finally available in stores, rather than online, for the bargain price of £17. That’s a lot of bang for your buck and a lot of units for your liver. Get some friends to help you out and it will all be absolutely fine, I’m sure. Maybe.

Strongbow is owned by Heineken, and their cider director Emma Sherwood-Smith has said the kegs are “set to be a game changer for cider drinkers and retailers alike. The launch has already stirred up a lot of excitement which we expect to increase even more once shoppers purchase the new keg.”

Let’s face it: kegs are superior to tinnies, and a cider director is superior to just about any other job to ever exist.

Do the right thing; take a keg home with you and tuck it into bed with you like you would your own child.

