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16th Sep 2016

This GIF shows that we’ve been missing one huge detail on Toblerone boxes

When you see it...

Matt Tate

We’re going to level with you: when it comes to the timeless Swiss chocolate bar Toberlone, we as a society just don’t have a clue what we’re dealing with.

We were reluctant to inform with you a few months ago that it turns out we’ve been approaching the eating of Toblerone wrong for all these years, and that there’s a much more practical way of gorging on a bar that makes it even more satisfying.

And now we learn that there’s a glaringly obvious detail on the packaging that we’ve genuinely never spotted before now.

Even casual Toblerone fans will tell you that there is a picture of a mountain range next to the iconic lettering. What we – and for the sake of this article’s impact, hopefully you –  have been missing is that within that mountain is a picture of a bear.

This handy little gif, uploaded by Reddit user imvnboy932 illustrates what we’re talking about.

Hidden Bear in Toblerone Logo

As Business Insider point out, the bear is a nod of respect to the Swiss city of Bern, where Toblerone started its life. Bern is nicknamed “the city of Bears,” and its coat of arms is a slightly flustered-looking bear climbing upwards.

coat or arms


Stay tuned to JOE for more Toblerone-themed bombshells.

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