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11th Feb 2022

American living in the UK infuriates entire nation by revealing how they make British tea

Danny Jones

*Punches screen*

We’re sorry for deciding to share this with you as well but we need someone to vent to. An American living in the UK has shared their method for making British ‘Tea‘ and it’s infuriated every Brit on the internet. Or, at least, it’s about to after you’ve seen it.

TikTok user @swfinds is a US account dedicated almost entirely to being befuddled by British things. As they confess themselves, “So many things in the UK confuse me!” – even core tenets of our way of life, it would seem. Just watch how they butcher our lovely brew.

@swfinds♬ Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) – Edison Lighthouse

While they specify that they are not making iced tea, which is the kind more readily drank in the States – so there may be some techniques getting mixed up in this mess – the second you see milk going straight into a “British kettle” followed immediately by heaps of sugar, you know you’re in for a rocky ride.

In fairness, even when making more traditional tea, American’s have to use the old-fashioned method of boiling it on a stove as their lower voltage means electric kettles aren’t as common a staple in the everyday household.

However, as many have pointed out in the near 60,000 comments, this is simply sacrilege. One person wrote, “please god make this a joke”, while another said “My therapist is gonna hear about u”; a third even replied, “My therapist gunna need a therapist after this one”.

We know there is a lot of rage bait social media content like this out there but we simply couldn’t abide it. In case you want to be needlessly enraged more of it, here’s a taster to prove our point:

@swfinds♬ original sound – 90songsoftheday

We echo the sentiments of the commenter above: this better be a joke.

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