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24th Apr 2022

‘Anti-feminist’ wants to be treated like ‘1950s housewife’ and ‘cringes’ if she sees a woman buy a drink

Kieran Galpin

‘Women these days are easy’

A former model has admitted to having high standards when dating but insists on being treated like a “1950s housewife.”

Claire Grey, 39, a Psychotherapist from Swansea, has admitted to having old fashioned attitudes when it comes to a woman’s role at home and in society. In essence, Grey believes that women should stay home while men work, ensuring dinner is ready when he gets home and chores are taken care of.

Things often dubbed “chivalrous” would be alluring to Grey, who thinks men should pay for dinner and open doors for women.

“I’m like a 1950s housewife – I believe the man should work and the woman should look after the home,” she told the Mirror. “They should have dinner on the table for their man and make sure household chores are taken care of.”

Grey also considers herself an “anti-feminist” and dumped an unnamed professional footballer after just two months for failing to hold her hand during a Paris getaway.


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“Women these days are easy,” she said, explaining why she doesn’t believe in casual sex.

Should Grey accept a date invitation, she’d expect the man to knock on the door and not text to say he was outside. Once on a date, Grey admits to testing her suitor by offering to buy the next round. If they accept, things won’t be looking good for date number two.


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“I actually cringe when I see women going up to a bar to pay. It is not the woman’s place and it is embarrassing,” she added. “He must not swear, or if he does, he must apologise. He must drive most of the time and always put petrol in my car – I shouldn’t have to get my own petrol.

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