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28th Jul 2015

Being sarcastic can make you more creative…


Wow. We’re amazed. Isn’t this the most interesting thing in the world ever. We can hardly contain our excitement.

No, really. Scientists at Harvard Business school have undertaken studies that suggest the processes involved in initiating and delivering sarcasm may improve the creativity and cognitive functioning of both the person dishing out the sarcasm and that of the recipient.

They set up a study whereby participants were subject to conversations that were either sarcastic, sincere or neutral. Immediately after this, the subjects were asked to participate in tasks which tested their creativity. The sarcastic group consistently out-performed the other two.

The boffins reckon sarcasm leads to greater cognitive function because the brain uses creative thinking when either conveying or responding to sarcasm. Essentially it’s working that little bit harder to negotiate the extra level of meaning to what’s being said.

We know. Fascinating.

