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25th Mar 2018

Bosses are being urged to let staff nap tomorrow afternoon

Kyle Picknell

This is the news we’ve been waiting for.

*knocks tentatively on the door*

“Hi Michael. Come in. Take a seat. Everything alright?”

“Erm… yeah. The thing is, I’m a bit tired. And was wondering if I could take a nap. A nap at work. Whilst you’re paying me. So you’d effectively be paying me to sleep. Obviously I wanted to run that by you first.”

Now, usually in this situation you would find your boss with some very choice words for you. You might even get sent home (which would be perfect, really, because you could then just nap).

This Monday might be different, however, as bosses are told by scientists to let their employees take a catnap between 2-4pm to catch up on sleep they will miss as the clocks go forward.

I don’t know about you, but even though they only move forward 60 minutes, I will still manage to miss hours and hours of sleep. Just wanted to make my boss aware of that.

Apparently electronic devices and computer screens disrupt our sleeping routines and mean many of us get by on only five to eight hours of sleep. That means that some people will be getting only four hours sleep – or lower – this Sunday night, something Psychologist Dr Nerina Ramlakhan believes is a “dangerously low”.

Conducting research for bed manufacturers Silentnight, Dr Ramlakhan states that “Just a twenty minute power nap can make a huge difference. Naps have been scientifically proven to boost creativity and problem-solving ability, and they can even rebalance the immune system, meaning staff are less likely to take sick days.”

There is evidence that many Brits are sleep-deprived, including children, whilst 25% get five hours or less shut-eye each night.

Speaking last year Dr Ramlakhan added: “Allowing staff to indulge in a nap during the working day might sound unusual, but considering the country will be losing an hour of sleep over the weekend it’s a fair request.”

”Company nap time would definitely work in the boss’ favour in the long run.”

There you have it, something to keep your sleeve for work on Monday. Unless, of course, your boss is Hank Scorpio, and you already have hammocks installed.
