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08th Jun 2016

Bride spots a familiar face in the background of groom’s photo from 16 years ago

A crazy coincidence

Laura Holland

Talk about ‘meant to be’.

A bride in China named Lu Yiqin was preparing for her wedding by searching through old photos of herself and her groom, Zhang. While looking through Zhang’s pile she noticed something very interesting about one particular photo.

The photo was taken 16 years ago, and in the background she could see a woman that looked very like her mum. Upon further inspection and investigation, she realised it was definitely her.

This is the groom’s photo and if you look closely you can see a woman in the background wearing a red jacket. That’s Lu’s mum and the man in the front is her husband.

According to Mashable, Zhang and his family visited the Giant Buddha attraction at Ling Mountain in 2000.

Lu’s mum then confirmed that they too had visited the attraction that same year. It also just so happens that both families had kept the passes for the trip as mementoes, which confirmed the same dates.

The world really is a crazy place sometimes.

