1. Taz bars
Image: belfastvibes.com
While everyone’s getting mad about the price of Freddos going up AGAIN, we’re forgetting the bigger crime, which was Cadbury getting rid of Taz bars and replacing them with caramel Freddos. Don’t tell us they taste the same – that’s not the point, OK?
2. Billy Bear ham
Image: foodbeast.com
Meat with a face on it probably wasn’t the healthiest thing we could’ve eaten as kids, thinking back on it.
3. Prawn cocktail Wotsits
Image: taquitos.net
We all know prawn cocktail crisps taste nothing like actual prawn cocktail, but it’s still one of the best flavours. These don’t exist any more either. RIP.
4. Poppets
Image: doyouremember.co.uk
The perfect cinema snack, and also good for eating sneakily during lessons at school.
5. Panda Pops
Image: doyouremember.co.uk
These basically only came in bright neon colours and were something like 98% sugar, which is why we all loved them, obviously.
6. Ice cream Chewits
Image: Pinterest
Treats that taste like other treats are the best kind of treats.
7. Wagon Wheels
Image: Wikipedia
I swear these are now like half the size they were when we were kids?
8. Wispa Gold
Image: lightstraw.co.uk
A fucking don of a chocolate bar, one of the best. They got rid of it for a while and life lost its meaning but it’s back now and the world is right again.
9. Candy sticks
Image: scotterb.wordpress.com
You felt like such a badass “smoking” these behind the bike sheds at school. Such a rebel, you just couldn’t be stopped.
10. Doritos 3D’s
Image: caloriecount.com
Like normal Doritos, but with a free pocket of air inside!
11. Millions
Image: sweettreatsinkeswick.co.uk
Remember tipping fucking hundreds of these into your gob when you were about 12? Good times.
12. Wham bars
Image: YouTube
What were those little green bits? And how do I get the little bit of Wham bar that’s been stuck in my teeth since I was 11 to finally come out?
13. Kwenchy Kups
Image: Amazon
Puncturing the lid was so satisfying.
14. Penguin Flipper Dippers
Image: Pinterest
Like Dairylea Lunchables, but for pudding. McVitie’s has scrapped these now, the bastards.
15. Fizzy Jerkz
Image: DeviantArt
With that many Zs in the name you know they must be good.
16. Club bars
Image: revscene.net
The default school lunchbox biscuit bar. The mint ones were the best, fight me.
17. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pizza
Image: crookedninja.com
What was it about a pizza advertised by four cartoon turtles that made us beg our mums for these every time we went to the supermarket. Everything. It was everything about them.
18. Nik Naks
Image: myfoodeeblog.com
Nice ‘n’ Spicy or Rib ‘n’ Saucy, which flavour was best?
19. Rainbow Drops
Image: retrosweets.co.uk
These were pretty much just little balls of that foamy stuff you use to protect packages dipped in food colouring, but they were also really nice somehow?
20. Vanilla ice cream Monster Munch
Image: fiestaturbo.com
Honestly, who thought this was a good idea?
21. Wall’s Balls
Image: Twitter: @shannondanby
Even if your parents never let you have these, you still laughed at the name. Balls, lol!