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06th Apr 2016

Damnit, we were this close to getting an “ASSoL” university

"ASSLaw" was another equally valid option

Declan Cashin

Here’s a crucial reminder that you should always sound out any new acronym – and say it out loud – before signing off on it.

When George Mason University in Virginia decided to rename its law school in honour of the late US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, it initially settled on “The Antonin Scalia School of Law”.

It didn’t take long for Twitter users to put together the putative school name’s acronym: ASSLaw.

“ASSoL” was the other obvious shorthand for the law school.

To be fair to the university, it responded quickly to the potentially hilarious embarrassing PR crisis, sending out an email to students and staff reading:


So our fun has been ruined, and the school is now going to be called the Antonin Scalia Law School (ASLS).

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